Stay! Germany denies reports of sausage dog ban



Reports that Germany could ban dachshunds led to hand-wringing from lovers of the breed (file picture)

"Sausage Dogs to be banned in Germany," screamed headlines in the UK this week.

Germany's biggest-selling newspaper Bild went full circle, fascinated by the panic: "Brits Fear for the German Sausage Dog."

The story arose from the German Kennels Association (VDH), which has launched a petition against a draft law that aims to clamp down on breeding that leads animals to suffer.

Will the dachshund or any other breed be banned? The short answer is no.

Under the proposed Animal Protection Act, certain traits would be defined in dogs that can cause "pain, suffering or damage".


Author: By Damien McGuinness,BBC News, Berlin


Dachshunds Could Soon Be BANNED In Germany

Author: By Xantha Leatham Deputy Science Editor of The Daily Mail